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DeathInfo Main Menu
This site is still in developmental stages and is not yet ready for public display.
Feel free to browse around, but you won't find much useful information here yet.


The time immediately following the death of a loved one is a solemn time. Grief, anger, introspection and fear often preside. But after all the solemnity, in fact usually before it's really begun, REALITY crashes in with details and questions about what happens next.

Who needs to be notified?

    Who takes care of what?

      What do I need to do next?


          How much does it cost?

These are questions immediately faced by the one who is suddenly "in charge".

This site is here for those who suddenly find themselves in the midst of this thing, who have probably never done it before, and who know that so much depends on their next decisions and actions.

This site is also for those individuals wishing to pre-plan for their own arrangements.

Almost nobody likes to think about it. But, on this planet we all share one thing - the reality that, one day, our physical bodies will no longer walk this earth.

How we deal with it is a most personal thing.

Even though many of us believe or KNOW the answers, we all share some common questions.

  • How will my body be treated?
  • How will I be remembered?
  • What happens when we die?

This site attempts to:

  • Help you with your arrangements for the inevitable. Let's face it, as responsible citizens, spouses, parents and friends, there are things we should do so those we leave behind won't have to clean up our mess, and (for some) there may be good reasons why we don't want certain people left in charge of our affairs.

  • Provide some thought provoking links for your explorations.

  • In a frank and conversational way, examine all the aspects of death and dying.

Before we begin, a few words about how to use this site.

We provide links to outside sources. Clicking on these links will open a new browser window. This can sometimes cause confusion, especially if your browser window is filling your entire screen.

To avoid some of the confusion:

  • Put your browser in a smaller window. Please do that now so that when we open a new window, you'll still be able to see this site in the background.

Whenever a new window opens (you'll be able to tell because your browser's "BACK" button will not be functional):

  • Drag the the new window to the bottom right-hand side of your screen.

  • Drag the original window to the upper left-hand side of the screen. Now you can see at least a part of each browser window so you'll know where you are at all times.

  • When you finish your visit to the outside link, just click in THIS window or close that browser window and you'll be back here.
We will open only one browser window. If you leave it open any other outside links you click on will appear in the same window.


What Has To Be Done & Who Does It You Do Have Choices
Pre-Paid Funerals Financial Considerations
Topical Writings Tributes
Raindrop Obituaries
Stories Humor

Regional Directory For Pre-Planning
DeathInfo Main Menu

Comments or Suggestions - Email:
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