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- Pre-Planning -

Pre-Paid Funerals - Regional listings for special deals on funeral arrangements at sponsoring funeral homes within the regions.


Try on this scenario...

Your Aunt has just died. She was okay (financially, that is) until most of the money was used prolonging her miserable, pain-plagued, bedridden vegetable, incapable-of-making-decisions-for-herself life.

Now, as the executor of her estate, it's up to you to arrange for her funeral and deal with the expenses. How will you deal with it?

  • Get the the most...she was worth it.

  • I want to get the best, but it's just not do-able...I'll take the middle road.

  • Forget it...pine box or cremation...there's just no money. NOTE: Pine box is illegal in most states unless cremation precedes burial.

Now, put yourself in your Aunt's shoes. What are your heirs doing right now?

Here's your opportunity to pre-arrange and pre-pay for things with which you'd like to spend eternity. Our Regional Directory of death services providers can help you get information and special prices now...before it's too late.

This may be your only chance. You never know when it's going to happen; when you might be at the mercy of others. Death is always the same...and yet, always different...and always unexpected.

Think about it.


Regional Directory For Pre-Planning
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